miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2018

describing my palace mental

describing my personalities and emotions:
all human beings live in the same world, but not all share the same mind, every person, has its own palace mental today I will tell you a little about mine. the first count will be my personality, I catalog as a happy person, funny, charismatic and always positive I never like to see things with anger or sadness because that prevents my brain can not reason properly and be able to take the decision correct. the second thing will be my emotions clear as any person I have but I try to keep them controlled so that you can know how to direct my day-to-day, in cases of important situations I am serious and I do not like that there is no error at the time of the truth, with my friends I am cheerful, proactive unless it's another type of situation for example if my friend or partner is going through emotional problems I'm always willing to listen and if the case so warrants give you a consego to try to overcome these difficulties of every human being. clear that has happened to me, similar cases myself, after all I am human some times I grieving, or angry, or disappointed but there will always be a person who support me in those moments either a family member, a friend , a teacher or even a neighbor, but if the problem or situation is too complicated we can always keep that a person spacial  which will be there to listen to us and to guide us on the right path. at the end I tell you this don't try to hide something for fear of consequences of your act see, and look for a way out of the predicament in which it finds you.
p. d: when I feel decayed , depressed, or fearful of something or someone I can always count on with my mom after all she's always on the good and the bad with me. always you can count with your mother after all she will always protect you and care even though some times you may over protect but always what ara's for your own good listen to her a with attention since she is the voice of experience and try the life don't pull and that you can fulfill your dream and so both of you feel proud, but she already were since you were born.
Resultado de imagen para distintas emociones

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